Course Syllabus



Mrs. (Dale) LaChance’s contact information:

Planning Period: 4th period (12:50-2:15)

Voicemail:  704-454-7300 ext. 1508


I am available for extra help after school or by student request with prior notice.


Dear Students and Families:


I am pleased to serve as your student’s English I teacher. The expectations for Honors English I are competitive and aligned with the North Carolina Common Core Standards, so we have many goals to reach by the end of the semester.


This year in Honors English I will be dedicated to an exploration and examination of literary themes across genres. We will read tales of adventure, excitement, terror, love, and acceptance as we move through each thematic unit, and the essays we write will allow us to delve deeper into literary analysis. Each step will bring us closer to success with the Common Exam before the end of the course.  Be prepared to read, respond, and find out how the works relate to you.  This is not a course for the faint of heart!


Course Objectives:

  • Express reflections and reactions to literature and to personal experience.
  • Explain meaning, describe processes, and answer research questions.
  • Evaluate communication and critique texts.
  • Make and support an informed opinion.
  • Participate in conversations about and written analysis of literary genres, elements, and traditions.
  • Use knowledge of language and standard grammatical conventions


Hickory Ridge High School English Department Plagiarism Policy:  Failure to give credit and cite information and ideas to original sources and/ or failure to use quotation marks and source information when using someone else's actual spoken or written words constitutes plagiarism and will earn a score of 0 on the assignment.  The teacher has deemed the plagiarism to be unintentional, so the student is offered an opportunity to complete a rewrite that will receive a score no higher than 60. Rewrite must be completed within 5 school days; therefore, rewrite with DOCUMENTATION (internal citations and Works Cited page) will be due 5 days from student receiving ungraded, undocumented research paper back if student wants credit for research paper. Students who willfully submit another paper as their own will receive a score of 0% and a disciplinary referral.


  1. Classroom Expectations
  2. Academic Integrity: Any form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated – including plagiarism, cheating, sharing of homework, or any other violation of the honor code as described in the student handbook.
  3. There are five basic rules to promote success in this environment:
  • BE PROMPT – I will mark you tardy when you are tardy. On time means inside the classroom (in your assigned seat) when the bell stops ringing.
  • BE PREPARED – You will be held accountable for all assignments.
  • BE POLITE – Impolite behavior to the teacher or classmates is unacceptable.
  • BE RESPONSIBLE – Leave the room in a better condition than you found it.
  • BE HERE – Take care of your personal needs prior to the start of class. Visits to guidance, the school nurse, the office, attendance, etc. should be handled before class.
  1. Along with the “5 BEs,” there is also “1 Don’t BE:”

Don’t be a distraction –

Avoid distractive objects (cell phones, cosmetics, etc.)     

Avoid distractive talking                                         

Avoid distractive lack of movement (sleeping)       

Avoid distractive movement (remain in your assigned seat until given permission to move)  

  1. You are expected to use the restroom in between classes and during Bull Time.
  2. Any tardy will fall under the school-wide SWEEP policy.


  1. Required Materials: Each student needs a composition book. This will serve as the student’s class notebook and will be subject to random notebook checks.


III. GRADING/EVALUATION:  Students can expect the following grade distribution for each semester.

Grading Breakdown                                                   

Unit Tests & Major Projects: 50%                                    

Homework/Class work & Participation: 20%                 

Quizzes: 30%

Exam constitutes 25% of final grade.



  • Extra credit standards:
    • Every 9 weeks, all students have the option to replace:
      • a daily grade (news article on Curriculet or Actively Learn)
      • a quiz grade (short story on Curriculet or Actively Learn), or
      • a test grade (read novel on Curriculet or Actively Learn).


Within one week of receiving the progress report, students must schedule a meeting with the teacher to request extra credit. Teacher will then determine assigned readings and deadlines. One time opportunity per grading period!


Test corrections are not offered for English I.


Tutorial standards: Teachers may use discretion in assigning tutorials for missing work, excessive absences, or remedial work. Failing students will be required to attend one tutorial session a week until next progress report or report card.



Late work policy: NO late classwork or homework will be accepted. Quiz grade and test grades may be submitted late for a 20% deduction each day it is late. Teachers will NOT remind students to submit late work.


*Printer problems are NOT a problem. Email teacher with attached assignment or submit through Google Docs.


  • Make-up Work: If you are absent, please access my Webpage and look in the class absent folder to see what you miss.  Any handouts given out in class will be on the class documents page.  Many of the classroom readings will also be available on the class documents or class links page.  You will have three days to complete the make-up work upon your return.  If there is an extended absence, speak with me upon return and I will work with you.  Be responsible for making up any work.



Hickory Ridge High School English Department Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism is defined as:


  • Failure to give credit and cite information and ideas to original sources


  • Failure to use quotation marks and source information when using someone else's actual spoken or written words constitutes plagiarism


  • Resubmission of an assignment used in another course


If plagiarism is intentional, the teacher will write a discipline referral, and the student will receive a score of 0%.


If the teacher has deemed the plagiarism to be unintentional, the student will be offered an opportunity to complete a rewrite that will receive a score no higher than 60%. The rewrite must include DOCUMENTATION (internal citations and Works Cited page) and be completed within 5 school days.



-Follow all HRHS rules.

-Come to class on time and prepared.

-Remain seated in assigned seat and move around the classroom only with teacher permission.

-Show participation by raising hand or responding to teacher-initiated questions.

-Respect all people, their property, and all school property.




-Second warning and brief meeting with teacher to redirect behavior

-Detention and/or assignment to redirect student behavior; parent contact

-Control room; parent contact


*If a situation demands a more significant and immediate response, I reserve the right to move directly to higher-level consequences.  Any students preventing the learning and teaching exchange will be removed from the classroom.


Your support is critical to our classroom’s success, so please take a moment to review our policies and procedures.  I can more efficiently communicate with you by email and can be reached at

I look forward to meeting each of you and am confident this will be a successful and productive semester!


Best regards,


Lisa LaChance


Please complete this form to return to Mrs. LaChance


Are you ready to commit to these responsibilities?  Please review the contract, share it with your guardian, and sign in agreement.

  • I have read and understood the course description and expectations of Honors English I.
  • I will follow all the rules of Hickory Ridge High and Mrs. LaChance’s classroom.
  • I will participate in class for the entire duration of the period.
  • I will come to class both mentally and physically prepared each day.
  • I will always produce my best work.
  • I will treat everyone with respect, kindness, and compassion.Student Signature: Parent Email:*Three things Mrs. L should know about my child: 


  •    Parent Signature:
  • Student Email:

Course Summary:

Date Details Due