Course Syllabus

Welcome to Visual Arts Beginning "Art 1" 

Art 1 is designed to reinforce and build on knowledge and skills developed at the elementary and middle school levels. It is the foundation level primarily focuses on emphasizing the elements of art, the principles of design, color theory, art vocabulary, art criticism, art history, and safety in the art room.  Students are provided a strong foundation in design, drawing and vocabulary in a teacher-structured environment. Problem solving, and decision-making are also emphasized throughout this course.

Required Supplies

  • Sketchbook 
  • Glue Sticks
  • Black Fine and Extra Fine Tip Sharpie Markers 
  • Regular Pencils 
  • Erasers 
  • Pack of colored pencils
  • Pack of markers 
  • Random Recycle Materials (Magazines, Cardboard, Cereal Boxes, etc.)

Course Requirements

  • Be on time and prepared to work at the beginning of each class. Your participation in class is part of your nine-week grade and your final grade. 
  • Sketchbook is required for this class, you will use this to keep your notes for class and do your graded sketchbooks assignments in. 
  • All projects will be submitted by their due dates as part of the nine weeks and final grade. 
  • CANVAS is required for this class. It will be used for notes, assignment, posting in progress photographs, and final project photographs. 
  • Remind 101 is required for all students and families to sign up. This allows for reminders and answering questions for completing projects. 
  • Assignments must be completed on time. Turning work in after it is due will result in a loss of 10 percent per day late (5 days = 50%), anything after 5 days will not be accepted.  

The art fee for this class is $10.00 and will be used to purchase supplies needed for the projects during the semester. This fee should be paid as soon as possible so that we can order the required materials.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due